NCN - The Nightly News
Join us for our community local news program. Airs Monday through Friday. Starting fall 2024.
NCN - Segments
NCN includes a variety of local topics that are either stand-alone pieces or part of the nightly news.
Are you interested in getting the story right from the sources? Check out these interviews to get all the answers.
NCN - What's Happening
Are you tired of missing all of the cool things happening around our community? NCN can help!
NCN - Fire & Disaster Education
Learn how you can prepare for fire and other disasters. Locals helping locals goes a long way.
Youth Episodes
Nevada County Now includes everyone in our community, including the youth.
NCN - On the Streets
Join Chris on the streets as he visits retail shops and the events in Nevada County.
Underwriter Ads & Appearances
Check out the folks that help sponsor this program. Visit our website for details on how to get your ads seen.