A Day at NCM

NCM looks very different for each person who comes through the doors. From an interns perspective it may be the gratefulness in being able to be a part of something that they are passionate about. A place they can learn new things and feel valued. For a nonprofit it may be the gratitude in having a place to turn to for help or a place to have a meeting. For an individual it may be access to tools and projects, and like minded people.

Regardless of the reason that people come through the doors, we are happy they are here. For the dedicated people putting in the long hours and breathing new life into this organization it is the excitement on the interns face, the gratitude from the nonprofit, and the smiles from the individuals that makes it worthwhile. Seeing people happy, giving them hope, and working together on some sometimes hard topics is a common theme in the day to day at NCM.

A day might involve painting, building, computer work, filming, editing, meeting with folks, writing, cleaning toilets, making phone calls, or just relaxing and shooting the breeze. It might be individuals working alone, or teams working together. It might be with friends or with folks they are meeting for the first time. It might be a 16 year old working alongside an 80 year old. This creative hub (NCM) brings people together.

NCM has designed projects and events that bring people together to create, collaborate, and learn. From free media classes, film school, hands-on field trips to community discussions, monthly shows, and meetups. Yes, NCM is community TV but it is so much more.

So for me, a day at NCM looks very different each day but the one theme is the hope that it brings to our community. The hope for our young people, the hope that we can bridge the divide, and the hope that together we can make a difference.

The cover photo is a group on a Team Building Field Trip creating a PSA.


Mobile Production


Video for Community Businesses