Submitted content to NCM may make it to all or a few of the following channels. Your content is combined with other similar local content to create some amazing programming, which is delivered to a local and global audience. NCM reserves the right to choose where in the programming content plays and on which channels it is placed.
NCM manages several YouTube channels. The Nevada County Media - Main Channel is where you can find local programs on-demand.
The Nevada County Television (NCTV) channel is where you can watch our “live” TV stream, which is packed with local content.
NCM Manages three cable channels. These are packed with local content.
Comcast ch11 / Optimum ch 16 (A variety of local content)
Comcast ch17 / Optimum Channels 18 & 78 (Local Government)
Comcast ch18 / Optimum ch17 (Educational Content)
NCM will launch its “live” Roku channel in the fall of 2024. Tune into watch a variety of local programming.
NCM will launch its Spotify channel in the fall of 2024. Tune into watch and listen to a variety of local programming.
Yes, NCM even distributes to the theater. Check out our local filmmakers showcase on September 26.
Watch for our upcoming 2025 schedule.
NCM has been working on an Internet Radio Channel. Watch for this to launch in 2025.