Nevada County Now is a local community program that is much more than just the average news show. NCN is produced five days a week, mostly from the NCM studio and occasionally from a community event. It currently has over 150 individuals committed to helping produce this program. It includes on-the-street episodes, a variety of segments (from sports to entertainment and a bunch in between), in-depth interviews, community spotlights, and more. NCN is recorded daily and published each night by 6pm in the form of a nightly news program, as well as stand-alone pieces.
All of the individuals on camera are volunteers, as are some of the crew. Nevada County Media provides a robust internship program that helps individuals learn how to write, produce, record, and edit all that is involved with this program (which is a ton). The teams include one NCM staff member.
Individuals in the community can submit stories, ideas, content, and questions, as well as try out for any number of on-camera positions. NCN was designed to involve many people in the community, and it does. No news is too small for NCN. The NCM team donates hundreds of hours each year to cover a handful of community events, other coverage around the community may have a small fee.
Membership to NCM is not required in order to appear on this show, however there may be a small fee to appear in certain segments for non members (promotion of your work or services). Sponsorship and underwriting (aka advertising) are extremely affordable, and are always a solid choice for getting seen or helping get your message out there.
Nevada County Media is a production and distribution organization. Our team can provide a variety of services. From promo and testimonial pieces, to educational videos and series work. Our facility makes it easy to create and produce a variety of programs. Our distribution covers cable, YouTube, Social Media, Spotify, Roku, and movie theaters.
Nevada County Media is a 501c3 nonprofit that relies on local contributions. Consider supporting your local media community, which helps give our community a positive voice, promote local organizations and businesses, as well as train individuals of all ages (mostly youth) to maneuver a variety of media styles and platforms. Donate today!
What you will find in this program
Arts & Culture
Business / Economy
Emergencies / OES
Government / Politics
Health / Healthcare
Law Enforcement
Our Planet
Pay it Forward
Roads / Traffic
Schools / Education
Senior Activities & Issues
Policies of the program
The program focuses on facts vs. opinions, and without bias. Commentary and analysis within the program will be stated as such. This program operates in the publics interest, convenience and necessity. It focuses on truth, accuracy", and objectivity.
The program will not run political ads. It will invite all candidates to a one-on-one interview. Each candidate will be asked the same set of questions. Candidates declining to appear will not effect the appearance of other candidates.
Topics that are controversial in nature will include a guest from each side of the controversary. Each person will be asked the same set of questions. Those declining to appear will not effect the appearance of others.
The program will not support stories that are libelous, slanderous, or defamatory, that is an unlawful invasion of privacy, or promotes violence, explicit sexual activity, or crude indecent language. Content involving community health and safety must be vetted for accuracy by local public experts in those fields.
The program will not support stories that denigrate anyone based on race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.
This program maintains a strict civility policy.
This program uses first hand sources.
If incorrect information is given on the program, it will be corrected on the next airing of the program upon learning of the mistake.
This program may receive contributions from for-profit entities and are permitted to acknowledge these contributions or underwriting donations with announcements naming and generally describing the contributing party or donor. However, commercials or other promotional announcements on behalf of for-profit entities can not be run.
NCM reserves the right to pull any story from its airing.