Nevada County Now is a local community program that is much more than just the average news show. NCN is produced five days a week, mostly from the NCM studio and occasionally from a community event. It includes on-the-street episodes, a variety of segments (from sports to entertainment and a bunch in between), in-depth interviews, community spotlights, and more. NCN is recorded daily and published each night by 6pm in the form of a nightly news program. Stand-alone pieces are put out as they are created.

If you are looking to get involved with your community…..then this may just the thing you are looking for. Nevada County Now is our flagship project that not only delivers news to the community, but helps people learn all of the aspects of live television, and all that goes into producing it. NCM is looking for folks who are wishing to volunteer in front and behind the camera. It is the ultimate volunteer project that benefits all of the community. Casting calls are held each month.

Below are the positions:

  • Hosts (on-camera) - the “host” role is the person that is delivering information to the camera, as well as introducing and chatting with guests. We have both regular and guest host positions. We also have segment host positions. These cover art, music, stage, events, sports, history, and more. Host roles include delivering either the entire program, or a segment of it. These are all in-studio roles. Hosts will also engage with a variety of people. Everyone who wants to be in front of the camera must do a test screening.

  • In-depth Interview Host (on-camera) - This is for individuals who like doing a bit of research about people and then chatting with them (on camera). It will include you working with the NC team to schedule guests. that you sit down and interview.

  • Narrative Storyteller (voice-over) - This is for individuals who like telling a story about a topic. They are the voice behind what the audience is seeing. This role helps write the copy for the stories, as well as recording the voice-over for them.

  • Graphics - This position is for those who like creating the look of a project. The needs are fairly simple and usually require a fast turn around.

  • Episode Producer Trainee - If you are someone who would like to learn what it takes to put together a “live recorded” news show, well look no further. This is both rewarding and a pretty easy process.

  • Field Crew - If you are someone who wants to help gather b-roll or shoot field interviews, this is a fun project to volunteer your time on.

  • Studio Crew - If you would like to volunteer but have no clue what your doing, no worries…….NCN is a program that unites people of all skill sets. The program always needs researchers, writers, greeters, and runners.

  • Promotional - If you are someone who likes spreading the word, then this is a perfect project for you. It includes everything from writing promo scripts, to passing out “how to watch” cards at events.

Volunteers receive a free membership and hours are eligible for our volunteer swap program.